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Trinity College of architecture Pune - 48

About the institute

About IQAC

      According to the instruction of NAAC, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in 2021 to commence supervise, apprise and provide information on significant events to improve excellence of education, knowledge, assessment and research in the institute. IQAC will help for the academic excellence and up gradation of the consistency of superiority in the institute. Keeping in front the vision and mission of the management IQAC is important for the betterment of the institute as well as stakeholders.

     Trinity College of Architecture, Pune since its inception is taking efforts consistently and actively enhancement. The NAAC has outlined essential guiding principles pertaining to the establishment of an IQAC, encompassing its goals, strategies, operational mechanisms, functions, and resultant advantages.

Objective of IQAC:

Enhancing Academic Quality:  Ensuring and enhancing the quality of education and research in architecture.

Continuous Improvement: Promoting a culture of continuous improvement in all aspects of the institution's functioning, from curriculum design to teaching methodologies.

Compliance with Standards: Ensuring that the college complies with accreditation standards and guidelines set by regulatory bodies.

Assessment and Evaluation: Implementing robust assessment and evaluation mechanisms for courses, faculty, and students.

Feedback Mechanisms: Developing effective feedback mechanisms for stakeholders, including students, faculty, and industry partners.

Curriculum Development: Facilitating the development and revision of the curriculum to meet the evolving needs of the architectural field.

Faculty Development: Supporting the professional development of faculty members through workshops, training, and research opportunities.

Research and Innovation: Encouraging and facilitating research and innovation in the field of architecture.

Infrastructure and Facilities: Ensuring the availability of state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities for teaching and research.

Student Support: Providing academic and non-academic support services to enhance the overall student experience.

Documentation and Records: Maintaining comprehensive documentation and records related to quality assurance processes.


                To build and develop system for Good ethical & holistic education to improve academic and administrative performance of the institute.


                   To encourage academic excellence, enhance quality, teacher and student development for better version of themselves, as well as, ensuring annual progress of institute, smooth functioning and build relationship with all stakeholders.

Functions of IQAC:

  • Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution

  • Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process

  • Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes

  • Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education

  • Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles

  • Documentation of the various programmes /activities leading to quality improvement

  • Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices

  • Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining/enhancing the institutional quality

  • Development of Quality Culture in the institution

  • Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC

Construction of IQAC:

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Trinity College of Architecture

IQAC Minutes of Meetings

Academic Calendar


KJ's Educational Institute

Trinity  College  of  Architecture,  Pune

Approval by COA,Gov.of Maha.AICTE,Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University 

CODE & Accredited by NAAC

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