Building Technology and Materials:
This subject introduces students to different structural systems and their construction details. It also involves studying different materials, their properties and construction details.

Architectural Design:
Architectural design has maximum weightage in architectural studies. The projects vary in their sizes and complexity every year. Design is part of the academics for all 10 semesters of architecture.
Design is the process of learning to design and understand various forms and styles of architecture. It allows students to be creative and experiment with designing.

Theory of Structures:
It is study of structural design of a building. It is a study of understanding physics, load calculations for column foundation, reinforcement details, structural details of slabs, staircase and other elements of a structure.

Architectural Drawings and Graphics:
This subject is study of architectural graphics and drawings (hand-drafted drawings using T-square, set-sqaure and other architectural tools) like isometric views, perspective drawings, sciography, rendering techniques and softwares like Autocad.

History of Architecture:
This subject is study of history in architecture from, stone-age day to contemporary architecture. Understanding different cultures and how these cultures have affected the architectural style of the era. Important structures during that time-span are studied in detail. Different architectural eras that are studied, Egyptian, Greek, Gothic, Romanesque, Islamic architecture, Maratha architecture, and many other eras. Also in contemporary architecture, different modern architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, I.M. Pei, Norman foster, Zaha Hadid, Charles Correa, Laurie Baker, Le Corbusier etc.
Introduction to Architecture:
This is subject is for First year. This subject is a brief introduction to architecture for students in first year. Introduction to the profession of architecture and its distinguishing characteristics with respect to other professions, trades and businesses. Scope of Architecture as a discipline and Architect as a professional. Fundamentals of architecture- function, form and structure, and their integration. Generators of architectural design- site, function, circulation, context, structural system and materials, aesthetic principles, sustainability.

Introducing students to various materials and techniques used in making Architectural models. Enabling Students to make Architectural models for study and presentation. Introduction to various materials (such as paper, mount board, thermocol, foamboard,
etc.) tools and techniques of architectural model making through construction of simple
three dimensional objects and scaled building models.Models should preferably be co-ordinated with other subjects like ‘Design’, ‘Building technology’, ‘Theory of Structure’, ‘History of Architecture and human settlement’ etc.
Introduction to elements of nature, variables of climate (definitions, measurement and significance).
Global climate, regional variations and micro climate.
Climatic zones in India and respective traditional climate responsive architecture.
Concept of heat exchange in buildings. Theory and concept of thermal comfort, comfort indices and its application to architectural design.
Climate responsive design strategies like site planning, orientation, building form, shading, ventilation, materials and technology.

Building Services:
To introduce students to following Building Services in low, medium and high rise buildings and inculcate in
them the integration of services in architectural design. This term aims at following two services.
Commonly used systems for Sewage, Sullage & and Garbage disposal.
Systems for hot and cold water supply in a building premises.
Lighting and electrification.
Introduction to rainwater harvesting and alternative energy sources
Surveying and Levelling:
To enable the students to get conversant with locating the object positions in horizontal and vertical plane with desired accuracy as needed for architectural profession.
To prepare and interpret survey drawings.
Every effort will be made to relate the practical and field work and make it appropriate for the profession of Architecture and execution of building projects. Students should be exposed to latest modern gadgets available for precise work in the field and also use of computer software in this subject.
To equip the students to communicate effectively using various modes of communication such as graphical, textual, oral and help them to develop various soft skills.
Technical Communication:
To study use of Landscape design as a tool to address environmental concerns in
Application of site planning principles in integrated design of open and built spaces.
To study the work.
Landscape Architecture:
To enable the students to prepare working drawings of an architectural project and imbibe the significance of working drawings from the point of view of execution of the work on site and as important component of tender documents
Working Drawing:

Curriculum is based on various advancements in technology & trends. As our institute is affiliated under Pune university, it follows the syllabus laid by university of Pune. The syllabus are as follows